School Noise Control
Fostering a Quieter Learning Environment

Creating a conducive and focused learning environment in schools requires a comprehensive approach to noise abatement. Explore a range of strategies designed to minimize disruptions, enhance concentration, and promote overall well-being for students and staff.

Understanding the Importance of Noise Control in Schools:

Excessive noise in educational settings can hinder learning, impact concentration, and contribute to stress among students and educators. Our comprehensive noise abatement solutions address various sources of noise to create a more conducive and focused atmosphere for learning.

Common Noise Challenges in Schools:

  • Classroom Distractions: Noise within classrooms affecting concentration.
  • Common Area Clatter: Noise in hallways, cafeterias, and common spaces.
  • Outdoor Disturbances: External noises impacting indoor learning environments.

School Noise Control Strategies:

Explore a holistic approach to noise control in schools, covering various areas to create an ideal learning environment.

Acoustic Panels in Classrooms

Install acoustic panels on classroom walls to absorb sound, reduce reverberation, and create a quieter learning space conducive to concentration.

school noise control acoustical panel

Carpeting and Area Rugs

Utilize carpeting or area rugs in classrooms and common areas to absorb sound, minimizing noise generated by footsteps and movement.

school acoustical carpeting

Quiet Zones and Study Areas

Designate specific areas within the school as quiet zones or study areas, allowing students to engage in focused work without distractions.

School quiet zone

Ceiling Tiles and Clouds

Implement acoustic ceiling tiles or clouds in hallways and common spaces to control noise and prevent sound from carrying across the building.

school acoustical ceiling cloud - baffles

Noise-Reducing Furniture

Select furniture with sound-absorbing materials to minimize noise generated by chairs and tables in classrooms and common areas.

school acoustical quiet zone

Soundproofing Doors and Windows

Upgrade doors and windows with soundproofing materials to minimize external noise and disturbances from outside the school environment.


Soundproofing Gymnasiums and Auditoriums

Apply acoustic treatments in gymnasiums and auditoriums to control noise during events and activities, ensuring a balanced acoustic environment.

school acoustical gymnasium

Noise Barriers in Cafeterias

Integrate noise barriers or partitions in cafeterias to minimize noise levels during busy lunch periods, creating a more comfortable dining environment.

school acoustical noise barrier cafe

Implement Quiet Technology

Encourage the use of quiet technology, such as noiseless computers and printers, to reduce overall ambient noise in classrooms and computer labs.

school quiet tech

Explore Our Tailored Noise Abatement Solutions

Discover how our expertise in noise abatement can positively impact your school. Contact us for a consultation and take the first step towards creating an ideal learning environment.